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Chinenye Kanu

I stumbled across Eventplanner and signed up just to get a makeup artist for my birthday. The vendor was so nice and delivered in time. Thanks Eventplanner for the hook-up.

Chinenye Kanu

Onyinye O.

When i was told to sign up, i was a bit skeptical but ever since i signed up, i have actually been getting bookings from different states. Thank you EventPlanner for giving me the visibility.

Onyinye O.
Olive bridals

Why Us?

We put the power of a planner in your pocket making it easy and fun for you to plan your wedding, birthdays, bridal showers, traditional marriages, social and corporate events.

With our large network of vendors, we offer you the most comprehensive tools you will need in planning an event remotely.

We are your online market place to source for affordable event-related vendors such as make-up artists, photographers, caterers, DJ, MC, wedding rings, etc within your location.

We also provide you with our customize-able tools to help you plan events within your budget, track your event planning process and track your payments to vendors.

What's even more is our robust event planning application is free to use to all of you planning an event.

........We dream with you and are happy bringing your vision to reality........